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Everything posted by Cayne

  1. I know I will probably get some anger for this one but I have to say it. Destiny sucks and that lame ass commercial for the Taken King expansion is flexing like this game is awesome. It is not awesome and half that shit you can't even emulate. This is worst than the Madden 16 commercial. Fuck you Gronk! Spiking the football is not awesome either. Everyone Does that. Fuck those commercials. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Egnaro


      You forgot Banjo Kazooie and Tooie ^ :(

    3. PlasmoidThunder
    4. Doomguy


      But I don't have those.

  2. The PS3 version wont get past the XMB.
  3. So I guess this confirms that Ash's mega pokemon will be greninja?
  5. So I finally got around to finishing the evil within and I was disappointed. One of the creator of Resident Evil (one o my fave franchises) decided to remake the 1st,4th, and 6th game in the series, mush it together, sprinkle in some Silent hill, and call it a rap? The end game rewards are the same as well. I wont spoil the ending, but yea that sht is recycled too.

  6. Oh dont scratch that sht out now. We all saw it.
  7. Eastbay has lost their fucking minds sending there magazine to my house. I refuse to spend 300 dollars on an outfit to play basketball in. Fuck you Branding.

    1. Doomguy


      Dafuq is an Eastbay?

    2. Cayne


      Mainly sports brand shoes, but apparently they sell things like basketball shorts,T-shirts, and socks.The first thing advetised were Blake Griffins Jordans which started off at 90 dollars, But then the had a set of gym clothes (Tank top, B,ball Shorts, some crew socks, and a pair of Nikes for like 350.00 dollars for the whole set. I can go to family dollar and get sht to work out in lol. It be like 15 bucks. YOU SWEAT IN THIS SHT MAN.

  8. Well good luck hunting then. Those Asian warehouses can be hard to navigate if your browser cant translate.
  9. Maybe next time Pittsburg.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cayne


      Idk about philly just yet I can diffently see playoffs though. Naw Im thinking Seahawks vs Cowboys for the NFC championship and Pats vs IDk yet for AFC.

    3. CozySquirtle


      I dont want another SeaHawks Vs Patriots SB again, it'll be worse than seeing NY Giants Vs Patriots....

    4. Cayne


      Im hoping Andrew Luck shuts down Brady's smug ass this season

  10. Finally, football season is here.

    1. Ballsdeep69


      Go Yankees! That's a football team, right? ;)

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, they represent the good old Big Apple itself.

    3. Cayne


      Lol Balls was joking SBK. Yankees are a baseball team. Its the Steelers@Pats tonight.

  11. Shout out to all the creators bringing these extreme butoden chars to mugen.

  12. Secret agent? Somebody just gave themselves a nerd-gasim. Nope I definitely didn't see you like that. That would be dumb. I wont even give you the attention of debating with you like I do others here. No your not that relevant sir. Now u do have minimal activity here in this forum and what do you with your activity? You come on a administration sub-forum, enter a support request thread, and tell us how backward we are for not using the Guild's method's. It's obvious there are regular everyday members here who are members there as well who kept that sht to themselves. Is it your money being requested specifically? No? You could have said that exact samething to Ry in a private msg, but instead u want to stir some sht and you can flex that you weren't all day long, but most of us know better.So stfu, no really just stfu. Dismissed.
  13. It's ok just sounded kinded naggy since that was like your third time mentioning it. I'm sorry if you thought I was snapping on yea.................................people know when I'm snapping on them lol.
  14. Uh-huh your way to worried about my language sir. Drop it already will yea.
  15. I guess Stating that Toe Jam and Earl is racism is offense? I only said it because of the fact that Toe Jam and Earl are just as bad as the Pokémon Jinx, which is Racist lol.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Cayne


      Logic doesnt apply to the dense Mimir. or Cyber Stalkers, or people with no valid point especially being irrelevant. Being butt hurt makes people contradict themselves as well. So I know now that referenceing mega man and TJ & Earl are grounds for immediate stalking. Any who...................................

    3. Trinitronity


      I'm not dense and not a cyber stalker. Also your comment pretty much shows that you are the biggest idiot of all time! Now I'm out, for real!

    4. Cayne


      And thats the 3rd or 4th time you said your done? I think you maybe confused on what done is exactly. My point is just getting clearer and clearer lol

  16. MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!! didn't I just check ur face bro. YOU GO BACK TO SLEEP OR I WILL DO IT AGAIN
  17. IDK why you even dignified that sht with a answer Admin Sensei Ry. Regardless of why help was needed to help our forum we did because we have love for it. Did you make a Profile just to bump the Guild? Fuck you and your reservation of offense. I will gladly take a warning point for the integrity of this site and my muthfuckin homie/admin. Take your ass back to the guild with the fuckatry brah.
  19. Well I kinda already met you over on the Status Feed (gave you first Rep point lol) but to make it official, welcome to the MFFA where you'll meet several awesome fighting enthusiast and a few D-bags who love to flame from time to time
  20. It sure does suck that Yugioh has become such a fucking Meta now you don't even have to be good to win anymore. There are three decks almost everyone is using in the ranked matches that it is almost a rock paper scissors format. Shaddoll, six samurai, and Nekoz decks can kill a deck in 1 to 3 turns. Yugioh used to be about strategy and counters. Now its just "I wonder what structure deck this opponent is gonna use". Fortunatly I have built a friends list of players who don't use these decks as a crutch and enjoy using decks they made themselves. It is almost 7000 cards in the game man, a rank on the leaderboard isn't that shining of an achievement lol.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      "Syncro eliminated having to have actual skill"

      Actually you would need more skill to pull out the synchros since technically works as the Fusions except that instead of a Fusion Spell you use a Tuner Monster WHICH means you have to summon him too which at the end makes it more slow/hard plus you need some maths and stuff since you have to have the correct number of stars and monsters to get out the synchros you want BUT that asides the game has been always more of luck (to draw what you need) and brain (To know how to build the deck) than skills at all IMO


    3. Mimir


      I thought having strong monsters in the extra increased skill because you didn't have to rely entirely on drawing outs to anything, but people see differently.  Seems to me having to draw ways out of problems would make you rely entirely on luck to do anything, which seems less skilled to me.

    4. Cayne


      Syncro monsters are so easy to summon the regular deck is barely used. Theirs the same amount of math involved for ritual summon so that is not increasing difficulty at all. most require 1 tuner monster plus other non-tuner monsters to equal the level of the monster you want to summon. star dust dragon can be summoned in the first turn using Yusei structure deck and six samurai will have the whole field full of monsters including the syncro one. I see this every single day. I use to play 10 duels a day just to stay consistent. I would see one of the 3 above mentioned decks 90 percent o those duels. (unless I was playing friends of course)

  21. Welcome Xero, I am a collector as well if you have anything rare please share it because my HDD is a freaking addict.
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