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Everything posted by Gamer251

  1. Oh, and I think you missed Yuyuko and Youmu on Senkai. And btw, how did you duplicate the wings of the fairies? I saw that it was only one side.
  2. Ah, must be the language problem. Try using AppLocale to run it. If it didn't work, try changing your Unicode to Japanese. And pardon the different style of text. On my tablet.
  3. Nice stages, Ryoucchi. Especially like Senkai and the Human Village. If you guys need any sprites for HM, just tell. I have the DDS, PAT, and MSH files of the stages, and the "mob" files. Oh, and can you upload the old Ex Keine, Night? And if you have Ex Keine by Minoo.
  4. Yep, they're static. I extracted the PAK file of HM, and I only see one sprite, unlike the others. I could be a sprite supplier for HM
  5. ...wait, where did you get that Ex Keine, Night?
  6. Why? Well, it's time for WebArchive.
  7. Language issue? It's in English. I don't what happened. Can you give me a screenshot? Oh, and WinRAR isn't helping, really. It's kinda easier to use an installer, really. But if any more problems come to mind, I'll move back. Yes, since it DOESN'T contain the files for the game. Install it over v6.5 (same directory is on the installer) and run the v6.8 shortcut. It SHOULD work, since I tested it.
  8. Oh, and I saw in the wikia that Minoo also did an EX version of Keine. I think that's the spriteset that G-sho used.
  9. News about the reuploading of Banki?
  10. Hai Ryochi~ You haz naemsake here :3 Anyway, try to be at home.
  11. Well, if the income is for a good cause, let it be. Just don't let advertisement like those shitty fake scam ads.
  12. Actually, AdBlock, since it does well, block ads, will the site still gain income? because if it can, well, just use AdBlock!
  13. I edited the System.snd file of Kurogane's 12.3 Lifebars. If anyone wants them, I'll out them here. I'm in a hurry, so link here. https://mega.co.nz/#!o89WjQyR!I8l1fAW_TNMI6k_ePxmSR0Rx5ec85joJebdvuijjdmU
  14. I may be 12, but I support Hentai here. :3
  15. I'm at school (yes, we're allowed to surf) So no editing yet.
  16. Just hit the 500th mark!

  17. This actually hits the 8-bit motif~ I like it!
  18. 1 post left 'till new rank~ In the meantime, have a Suwako~ How's Reimu, anyway? And Tetsuo?
  19. Updated the game to v6.5, the last full game, and v6.8, the update. Also updated the thread content. Find the download link~
  20. Lol, nice description Ryou~ I couldn't say it better XD Anyway, other non-MUGEN related news, we just finished developing an English Patch for HM. From the MotK forums, we helped with the translations, and the two people who compressed the files, Ciel and brliron! Here's a link to the patch: http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,14754.msg1013216.html#msg1013216 Oh, and I updated the thread for my game. Moved the downloads to somewhere else~ (Oh look, almost 500 posts~) And yes, I'm the Gamer251 there.
  21. Oh, and if Ryoucchi is willing to add Sekibanki here, though. And I was also the one who noticed Ryou was gone
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