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Everything posted by Gamer251

  1. LBPortrait for MokoWolf: Again, for use with Kurogane's Soku Lifebars.
  2. You can just press start + any button. Or return. whatever that's called. For me, it's enter. Any button represents the ABCXYZ buttons. Layout is: A = Pal 1 B = Pal 2 C = Pal 3 X = Pal 4 Y = Pal 5 Z = Pal 6 And is I press start/return with the ABCXYZ buttons, I get this: Return + A = Pal 7 Return + B = Pal 8 Return + C = Pal 9 Return + X = Pal 10 Return + Y = Pal 11 Return + Z = Pal 12
  3. I just recently started playing Melty Blood: Actress Again, and is it just me, or is Daiyousei based on Len?
  4. The Orin by Orin Project only has 3 attacks, and looks like is styled from a Street Fighter character (Chun-li?). The one by Sukuemon (the Sakuya-modeled one) is actually good.
  5. The world is different from what you see it it~ Anyway, Kagerou only has 2 specials, and has a decent AI for me.
  6. Belated Merry Christmas, people~ Got me a set of earphones, 16 GB Flash Drive, and moolah. Kagerou Imaizumi is also a nice gift. Still working on the English Patch for HM though.

  7. Touhou Hisoutensoku Lifebar (Kurogane/Aya Shameimaru) Portraits: Hata no Kokoro: Sekibanki: Kagerou Imaizumi:
  8. Oh, KAGEROU! HNNGH! Now we need a Seija, playable Wakasagihime, 13.5 Futo. Lemme test this Kagerou and updated Kyouko. I might update my game.
  9. Chichi ga Loli na Mono de! //shot Gotta love that manga Owo Anyway, any makers creating new characters?
  10. Barai is still working in 13.5 Byakuren <3 Ooh, another Koishi! But not gonna do an update on game. NNS isn't updating/creating characters either. And look, Koishi does moonwalk.
  11. Chihiro is one good trap o3o Still, we need the whole cast. If I only know how to make ;~;
  12. Now we need Junko! Goddamn Junko/Kirigiri/Mukusaba/Naegi. Then we need to kill Leon/Chihiro/Celes with Monokuma!
  13. FlandreScarlet: It's at the main post. The link to my site. Has 6 parts. Why are you asking when it's so obvious?
  14. I'm kinda busy with Schoolwork and Exams, but I'll help you with this. So,the steps are: 1) Go to "[Root folder] > data > TH_12.3" 2) Find "select.def" 3) Edit it How to edit: 1) Download a character you would like to play 2) Extract it in "[Root folder] > chars" 3) Go to that characters' folder* 4) Find its main DEF file and copy the name** 5) Paste the name in the "select.def" file mentioned above 6) Save and play *For example, my character is Tewi by KON, I extract the folder called "tei" in "[Root folder] > chars", so I go to "chars > tei" **The main DEF file is usually the same name as its folder, so find "tei.def", so I'm gonna be using in the select DEF file is "tei/tei.def" Hope this helps~ ^^
  15. So we still couldn't DL them?
  16. Looks like Barai is working on Byakuren~
  17. For me, the new Nue is a nice edit of Aya, but have limited attacks. Hope this one gets improved.
  18. Welcome to MFFA dude~ Gotta get more active than that though~
  19. Is your non-Unicode Language in Japanese? If not, do this: 1) Go to "Control Panel > Clock, Language, Region, > Region and Language > Change Location > Administrative > Language for non-Unicode Programs" 2) Change it to Japanese 3) Delete all previous files installed 4) Restart your computer and reinstall the files. It's because Daiyousei have some files and folders in Japanese. It wasn't mentioned when I was repacking the files, so sorry.
  20. So I just lost my wallet and then domino effect.

  21. Updated the last version of my game, which is v7.0. Anyone can do anything with it, just tell me and PM me what you did. Anyway, it's been almost a year, where's Dark Spirit's preview of his game?
  22. Finally finished uploading the final version of the compilation.

  23. Finally! I am done uploading! Sorry to keep you guys waiting for 3 months. Schoolwork, 'been busy. And oh look, got high grades at the end of the 1st Semester! I'm really sorry for making you guys wait. The front page and site is updated. It's in installer. And it's safe to say that this will be the final version of the game. All new characters and updates, it's either I'll update or you guys do it. Have fun~ This is Gamer251, officially stopping the updates for Touhou All Stars.
  24. No more typhoon, more time on the internet.

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