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Everything posted by xcheatdeath

  1. Here's a few new portraits. Batman by Spiderbat & friends Get it Here Remy by One Winged Angel Get it Here Hawkman by Zvitor Get it Here Silver Samurai by Kong(I really wish there was a good/better S.S out there :L) Get it Here
  2. Title pretty much explains it all. Green Arrow by Zvitor Get it here Pyro by Zvitor (two versions) and get version 1 here and version 2 here Judy Rainbow Miopinja and Maggilla by NGI Click their names to download them ^ Sinestro by Chimoru, Buyog, Larramones and Iron Angelus Get it here Chris by Pizzaman Get it Here Electro by Loganir & Verz36 Get it Here Duck Hunt Dog by DJ_HANNIBALROYCE Get it Here Espio by Mugenhunter Get it Here Shadow by Mugenhunter Get it here Big by Mugenhunter Get it Here Bark by Mugenhunter Get it Here Knuckles by Mugenhunter (adapted from a small portrait by Hades) Get it Here Leonardo by Ryon get it Here Hunk by wto38 (I use Duracelleur's version) get it Here Ken by mouser get it Here Hayato by Mouser Get it here Batman by Spiderbat & friends Get it Here Remy by One Winged Angel Get it Here Hawkman by Zvitor Get it Here Asuna by Shin Mako Get it Here Misaka Mikoto by СÑÌÑÌ&&ÒõÌ“µÀ³¤ Get it Here Ironman by Zvitor Get it Here Condor by Descolor or (^o^) Get it Here Sho by Descolor or (^o^) get it here Rila by DrKelexo get it Here Gato by GM (I use Duracelleur's version) Get it Here Red Hulk by Cravd, AJrenalin & Colosse Get it Here Saizo by shimon (I use Duracelleur's version) Get it Here Chris Wayne by Mass Get It Here Giran by Warner Get it Here Chilli n Pepper by The_None Get It Here Fangore by The_None Get It Here Man Scorpion by Electro Get It Here Kafka by The_None Get it Here Thanos by Boyboyz Get It Here Lobo by Buyog Get it Here The Flash by CVG Team Get it Here Javer by Valgallah Get it Here Eponine by Valgallah Get it Here Silver Samurai by Rahlonnir Get it here Jun by ZeroSennin get it Here Adon by ヤモリX Get it here Hayato by ヤモリX Get it here Earthworm Jim by Dr. Kelexo get it here Karin by Ryon Get it here Charizard by Gladiacloud get it here Super buu by Team OS (I use Duracelleur's version) get it here Gill by Froz get it here Mr. Fantastic by Zvitor get it here Casshern/Kyashan by Kain The Supreme, Zanna, & Rikard (I use Duracelleur's version) get it here Ken by Jmorphman get it here Ryu by POTS get it here Scorpion by Seanaltly get it here Subzero by Seanaltly get it here Ermac by ODB718 get it here Lin by Reddbrink get it here Agent Nash by MGMURROW get it here Rick Strowd by Prime SC get it here Cyber Akuma by Mouser get it here Dormammu by Gladiacloud get it here Super Buu Z2 by Team Z2 get it here Lucky by Duracelleur get it here The Scorpion by Jarro77 get it here enjoy :)
  3. all of his stages, that he didn't completely take down can be found here. http://network.mugenguild.com/vibrant/Vibrant%27s%20Mugen%20Stuff/
  4. Then hopefully you'll enjoy this one a lot :)
  5. So this is an update to one of my first stages Unfortunately for some users it's 1.1 only :L I HIGHLY doubt there will be a 1.0 version of this update happening. so i apologize in advance. SO with that said, here's some pictures. It comes with zoom enabled and it has relatively decent super jump. The camera doesn't move a whole lot for those of you who dislike that. IF YOU DON'T WANT ZOOM just put a ; before zoomin = 1 and zoomout = .8 OR change zoomout = .8 to zoomout = 1 simple as that. There's instructions on how to make it compatible with widescreen in the DEF if you use widescreen. Here's two links: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=26E4476CFD17FBB8&id=26E4476CFD17FBB8%21105 or http://www.mediafire.com/download/iuiye7eaq7ulp1f/Bridge%281.1%29.zip Enjoy :) (Credit to davismaximus for the floor) (Credit to GLB for helping me out with feedback and basically walking me through a lot. and also the lightening stuff.) (Credit to Markpachi for testing out the stage and giving feedback.)
  6. Yeah, Jago has been done quite a bit will full super jump and everything.
  7. This one will be super jump enabled tho :P
  8. If I can find the proper sprites I'll see what I can come up with. You may also see spinal's stage soon ;)
  9. Ki 1 only. I'm not interested in any KI after the first one. stages from any other KI will not be happening. at least not with me.
  10. Nah guys, I don't like how the stages look. I'm not a fan of 3D stages with 2D character sprites. I hate the clashing sprite style. If i do any more KI stages they'll be from snes or the arcade that's it
  11. Nah, not gonna fiddle with those 3D/ high res stages seeing as I personally have no interest in those kinds of stages.
  12. I've had this in the works for a few days and I have little to absolutely no time to work on mugen as much as I used to, but I'm definitely not dead yet :) of course, super jump is supported http://www.mediafire.com/download/11xw291f0wrbljb/Ki1-Glacius.zip enjoy No 1.1 def right now, but if enough people want it I guess there's no harm in throwing one together..
  13. If that's the bank, the link has been properly updated.
  14. double post the mk3 portal received it's overhaul. check out the first post!
  15. The mk1 pit 1.0 version and the bank have been updated. if you use the 1.1 version(s) then you don't have to worry about this update
  16. mk1 pit? I'm currently playing it on mugen 1.0 and I'm not getting any kind of error...
  17. You've gotta specify which stages you found these error's in :/ just give me stage names, that's all i need.
  18. Nah, the screenpack doesn't matter. I've tested it multiple times, and I have people who test the stages (some on 1.0 and some on 1.1) before I release them. They've never reported this problem. I'll have to try and figure out the problem.
  19. That's weird. I use 1.0 when I create the 1.0 versions and that doesn't happen to me at all. that's been reported before. I'll look more into it. But that's literally never happened on my end
  20. That trailing thing doesn't happen to me.. Idk what's going on there. are you using 1.0 or 1.1
  21. What "trailing" are you referring to? Post screenshots when you give me feed back so i know what you mean so i can fix it... And your ideas wouldn't make these "awesome" at all. I told you multiple times, I'm not going to go through the hassle of adding additional things to stages that don't need it just because one person envisioned it being a certain way.. Kahn's tower isn't attached to anything. It's separated. Obviously if i were getting any kind of errors I wouldn't have just released the stages like that
  22. Soul Chamber added Street, The Bank, The Rooftop, and The Subway have all been updated. I'm quite too tired to add the new pictures. But I'll get around to it. I'm sure you all will be very satisfied with the new updates. :)
  23. I'm not dead yet! Check this out, I re-did the street
  24. It's funny because, in mortal kombat shaolin monks, they show that goro's lair leads to the pit :P But I'm only doing the stages that actually had another stage above them, I'm not creating fake versions of stages. I'm wanting to make source accurate. So I'll have to pass on making different stages lead to others. If you'd like to take my final products and do that yourself, go right ahead :) but anyway Check out the bank :) By the way, there will be a minor delay to when these are released because I am graduating high school soon. and I'm busy as hell with finals and what not so you guys will have to hold out a little while
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