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Everything posted by GTFoxN6Y

  1. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gbcd4nvvcta92gd/The_wario_appartion.rar/file \ Im gonna let ALL of you know that is my birthday today! Be sure to wish me a happy birthday.
  2. I`m sorry for creating it in the  [ OFFSITE RELEASES ] area. So i decided to remake it and upload it in the  [ WORKS IN PROGRESS ] area instead! Here: 


  3. OK thanks! P.S. Welcome to the world of MFFA!
  4. I was making the wario apparition for my birthday. I think that if an overpowered character defeats the wario apparition, it will explode. But i need somthing to increase the explosion size bigger and bigger until it cover the screen . So How can i make the explosion sprite size increase?
  5. I tried that code and it still don`t work. Can you find another way to make the opponent disappear when it get defeated by the wario apparition?
  6. I was planing to make the wario apparition for my birthday, i need somthing to make the opponent disappear when it get defeated follow by an instant KO. So how can i force the opponent to disappear just like RoySquadRock`s PAC-MAN Level 3 super?
  7. Thanks! I`m just taking a break off of M.U.G.E.N and finish my other fan games.
  8. Every time i release a new character, i get hate reply, get to many down-votes and giving bug errors. Do i have to quit MFFA or help me train harder?
  9. Every time i release a new character, i get to many down-votes and giving bug errors. Do i have to quit MFFA or help me train harder?
  10. Here`s my Hakaku Sanda. It just got released today. https://www.mediafire.com/file/41n2xe9k557472d/Hakaku_Sanda.rar/file
  11. Hey guys im BACK! I was taking a break off of mugen trying to finish my new SAGE 2020 demo. And since im back, i`ll be able to continue making Hakaku Sanda!
  12. Hey guys im BACK! I was taking a break off of mugen trying to finish my new SAGE 2020 demo. And since im back, i`ll be able to continue making Hakaku Sanda!

  13. I just deleted the old one and remade the new one so you can understand better.
  14. I did finished making the hyper combo finish background, but it`s keep going off-screen when you jump. I tried PosSet or PosAdd, but it don`t work. How can you keep the Background from getting Off-screen?
  15. But i been using KFM as my starter character.
  16. How do I add an hyper background to a character? I've been able to change hyper backgrounds of my characters by simply replacing the images in FF3 to the ones I want. But how do I go about ADDING a hyper background animation to a character that doesn't already have one?
  17. I was trying to make a hyper combo Finnish background go in the middle, but when the player jumps up, the background STILL on the ground and the Y position IS not in the middle completely. I tried to use this code: [State 0, PosAdd] type = PosAdd trigger1 = 1 x = 0 y = 0 ;ignorehitpause = 1 but that`s don`t work. Can you show me how to force the Y position in the middle?
  18. I need help on my character please.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mulambo


      " Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it.  " :/

    3. mulambo


      btw why the hell did somebody downvote your post lol ?  you in trouble with that guy ?

    4. GTFoxN6Y


      Here's the updated version:


  19. Here`s the problem

    I was trying to make a hyper combo Finnish background go in the middle, but when the player jumps up, the background STILL on the ground and the Y position IS not in the middle completely.


    I tried to use this code:

    [State 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = 1

    x = 0

    y = 0

    ;ignorehitpause = 1


    but that`s don`t work. Can you show me how to force the Y position in the middle?

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