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Everything posted by volzzilla

  1. for the record, he never said decapre by mazemerald. he said by pullo w/ edits by him (though i wouldn't know specific edits as didn't DL this nor the original, or any other SF char for that matter) not his fault for topics named inaccurately at places he's not a member.
  2. the doves go back up her sleeve like a regular magician. and P2 changes back from a rabbit when taking any damage (or when timer expires)
  3. Released as part of the MMV Birthday event: http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3482-happy-2nd-birthday-mugen-multiverse Credits: - Cayenna for Original Cloning Factory stage - The 3 unknown Japanese stage creators edited their stages from - Alpyne D for BGM on all but A.I.M. Cloning Factory - Custom Sprites used: max007 for Agent Brand (SWORD), Nicotinefist for Black Widow & Hawkeye (Cloning), Xasor for Savage Hulk (Cloning), Twinimage for Prof X (X-Library), and cravd for Broo (X-Library) Video to see in action... Downloads: http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3673-marvel-edited-stage-pack-4-to-dl-by-volzzilla-released Enjoy
  4. http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3647-release-jubilee-by-chimoru-avalon-and-arkady
  5. professional level? he's not being paid anything. its a hobby that he does in his spare time like everyone else.
  6. may be in the wrong section, but wasn't sure where to ask... i'm wanting to take a logo and edit it to change the perspective where it will look like its on the floor. doing this for a stage edit WIP. i used to know how to do this, but apparently forgot and now can't figure out how to do it anymore.
  7. no. long time concept thought of before anyone knew injustice existed. i forget how old the original private beta was of it.
  8. yes man attitude? there is currently 1 person there that gives feedback, me. and i DL very little. you are welcome to try and give feedback there however since i know i'm far from an expert, but at least i'm trying at times which apparently is more than you have done regarding feedback,
  9. few more that really need attention... toad by bradern666 http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t2555p60-toad-wip-from-spiderman surtur by bam77 http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3164-surtur-by-bam77 logan by angeljerry and 21 http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3200-logan-the-wolverine nova by bam77 http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3075-nova vengenance by set555 http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t2527-vengeance-version2-wip-reveal
  10. volzzilla


    i totally hate those two. recently watched a video with a 2 1/2 min intro. i quit when it got that long as i just wanted to see how long this guy had to make an intro :P
  11. updated: http://rojin68.blog29.fc2.com/blog-entry-486.html translation...
  12. volzzilla


    not really. i only mentioned how membergroup concerned people creating content other than characters. we put people who released characters in a diff group. and regarding the special case on contributor i spoke of, it only happened once, for erroratu.
  13. volzzilla


    what about a title like contributor for creating other kind of content for mugen? not that i'm saying do what we do as i know its not perfect, but MMV gives that title (crazy easy to add to a membergroup with our forum) to anyone who releases stuff on than characters. just thought the idea may (or may not, but at least gives something to think about) help. what we did was that it can also be earned by being a good community contributor, like with feedback and the like.
  14. i dont get it. you all say, "behave better" give numerous warnings about seriously not following that, but then enable those people to continue? justifications like, "i don't tolerate XXX" are not excuses. treating people badly is treating people badly. if you have other people who decide to create more drama by fighting back, or other people who decide to begin acting that way, then don't be surprised. i call back to the no excuses comment i just made when i refer to the rule pointed out in the first post of this topic: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/14092-new-rule-forum-wide/ at the end, it says no excuses for acting that way, which in turn means there is no justification to do it either.
  15. cut and paste... feedback: - sprites look great - love the fx - good job on move concepts and gameplay so far - not sure how to phrase this, but its the walk. either slow it down or make it not move as far each frame. considering the steps, she looks like she's gliding - can infinite the shock and fire projectiles from d,df,f+P - with proper timing, when in a corner and somehow get P2 in the air (standing HK mainly, but can do with crouch HP maybe) can infinite standing HP/MP and some of the projectiles ideas for new moves since you asked (if i understood correctly): - hyper involving a missile barrage taking sprites from your firing missile special - maybe put heatseeking effect on the missile special? or maybe fire a different kind of missilespecial that can heatseek/track P2 - use the d,db,b+k special to make a kind of maximum spider hyper where go all over screen. change color of effect though - do something with her spaceship
  16. recently posted on MMV and figured to cut and paste here.... feedback: - sprites look generally nice for the most part - needs a proper 9000,1 port - bad clsns - many things misaligned - loaded with infinites - do not like the gameplay commands at all - bad AI - hyperport has colorloss, is ugly, and is misaligned - on the hammer hyper, the sprites are inconsistent in sprite style - stance needs animation - no taunt - standing LP, air MP and MK seem more like should be specials - sff needs cleaning out from previous works - frozen state refers to a template animation - electrocuted state refers to a template animation - with a comment like "mixing of various mario games", i thought the moveset would be more custom. but i thought it was pretty boring. at least would have liked to see something from mario kart, mario soccer and mario baseball. edit (copy and paste first as wasnt sure if topic locked or not after zombie reply) :main reason for posting though.... i believe a comment Ax made being taken totally out of context. i'm pretty sure he was not referring to everyone in mugen should delete NJ's Link if a better one comes out. he was speaking personally. as you know, many people in mugen do not keep duplicate characters and often only keep the version they find the most fun. i don't personally believe that sentiment as i have numerous duplicates. i have a number of Links and think NJ's is the best currently. i was looking forward to his version of Joker and may have even made all new sprites to help him out in the future. went off on a tangent a little. my point is, many people don't keep duplicates, Ax is apparently one of them, and he was speaking personally when making that comment on the subject and not for all of Mugen.
  17. perhaps you should read his comment again then. and you want proof of how he was telling the truth, then go back and look at the bulk of everything you've said in mugen and watch your videos. there is a big difference between giving actual feedback and what you do with how you put things out there. most everything you say is about proving your self importance about how great you are at evaluating whatever. how awesome your mugen tastes are. how true to the spirit of what you think fighting game fans are. how if anyone that doesnt agree with each word you say, they are stupid and definitely not as important as you. its as if you think each and everything you say is an attempt to make your e-penis appear bigger to yourself and state to anyone that will pay attention to you to try and get them to think the very same thing.
  18. i did nothing in my edit other than change ports and the command string of one command
  19. http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t3091-updated-hulk-professor-master-hulk
  20. i can do the hyper port. i came across an image that really looks like him, so going to build off that. my problem with it is figuring out how to add hyperport coding when it not there. going to edit a few other things too like add a launcher, and some parts where can cancel into moves for chaining (assuming i can learn all that too) from you all,, mainly needing help with sound, and the palettes. and zombie just took care of the latter, those look great. though i'm only going to insert the green ones in my edit. feel free to do whatever with the others
  21. i've lost track of the number of times i've checked his website, hoping for an update. i really really like playing with this guy, even with the coding issues.
  22. so i've done some work on iron fist ryu and want to out source a couple things to you guys? could i get: - a sound patch created from mvc3 sound rips of iron fist (here sound rips http://www.mediafire.com/download/qor9g4d6p3j50vz/IronFist.rar ) - a palette that looks more iron fist like regarding the green and yellow i've already adjusted the moveset, scaling, and all things cosmetic. btw, would it be possible for whoever to teach me how to add a hyperport? currently iron fist ryu has none.
  23. oh i know what you mean. i was just trying to create a tangent about how its no big thing to have duplicates in a main roster. all that matters is having characters you enjoy in general, regardless if they are your 4th hulk, 10th batman, or only ultron :)
  24. zombie, when i typed in colors, perfectly calm (in fact perfectly calm whole topic for the most part) i wanted to use a tongue sticking out smiley, but you all don't have one.
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