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Mugen Free For All

Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. You never cease to amaze me.
  2. Pero ahi personas que no quieren hablar español.Ahi muchos que quieren perder su lengua nativa por cualquier razon.Sea la escuela o cualquier otra razon pero en los Estados Unidos y en muchas otros lugares quieren dejar el español los latinos...
  3. With their own intro taunt when they face each other.It would be all a big entrance fight and then the actual combat.This would be badass.
  4. Kirby is probably the most badass puffball aside from Meta Knight and Galacta Knight.These guys are serious ass kickers.
  5. I didn't even know this was on Toonami....I haven't even watched it...Sounds...how can I say this....Interesting?
  6. There hasn't been one Kirby game done wrong.It all just fits together.Even the ones the fan hates.IGN is a fag too.
  7. Isn't there already a few Ky's for mugen?You know...right now I think I would love to see all the Skullgirls character sprites ripped...
  8. They just mutilated DMC series....
  9. Oops....Hasta yo me equiboco.lol.Haha te ve muchos errores y mescla de idiomas.Veo Frances,ingles,y español....
  10. Great!I think these songs were ok.Some groups surpassed themeselves though.
  11. *Corrijas....Lo estabas pidiendo que te corrigera no? Y si CiCi te puedo ayudar con escribir.
  12. Esta bien por 10 años sin practica.Nunca sabes cuando va ser util saber hablar español.
  13. It's Japan they have rainbow hair color and the most fucked up hairstyles ever.
  14. *Brazil,*la,*entonces.Tienes mas errores pero ya casi te sale bien.
  15. I used to be a fighter like you.But then I took a fist to the knee.lol.
  16. Soy de Veracruz.Ahi naci pero creci en Pachuca.Mi padre viene del D.F. y mi madre de el U.K.Soy una mescla rara....
  17. I do enjoy the games.They allow me to kick Naruto's ass constantly.
  18. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!Wow.En serio ay mucha libertad aqui en MFFA.Podemos ser trolls y todo lo demas y no nos quitaran del foro mas que sea grave que no creo que a pasado...
  19. Naruto is a bad series.It was decent in the begining slowly becoming worse and worse...Shame.It had potential..
  20. Dark Spirit


    Oh well...time to go get my password hacker then...
  21. Dark Spirit


    Downloading ATM.I also want to ask you something Ryon.Do you know the password to the GGXXAC Ultimate Mugen that had the password in a photobucket image that was removed?
  22. The Touhou project stages are not right.I have the games and these stages are too far out.
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