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Mugen Free For All

Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. I used Reimu and Marisa and she was easy.
  2. I am gonna wait for what you make Alp since I can't find anything to mix with this in my collection.Make it awesome.
  3. That looks awesome.I will download it and put as much techno into it.
  4. She isn't that difficult even in lunatic.You won't have too much time.
  5. Haruhi by Choyer is easy to beat.She ain't too hard.
  6. JJBA was released on the DC as well Tohno...
  7. No it's fine as long as they are original creations.
  8. If they are from a game published by a company and not made for mugen then put the series name and put them in anime/Cartoon section or Other.
  9. It doesn't matter just add NSFW to the title and you can upload it here.Hm...deciding if she is a good character for now...
  10. The only time it goes to chance is in a fight between two humans.Both with great knowledge of fighters and GREAT characters used.The other is when a creator makes great AI for 2 characters from similar or the same series.A creator could make a Touhou character and a Blazblue character with great AI but the fighting style is VERY different and in most cases it would have to be human AI to make that a fair fight.When you put a Blazblue character Vs. a Guilty Gear character both made from the same person and both having great AI you leave it to the CPU.
  11. I can weild a sword like a proffesional knight.I find them better than guns at times but no sword will beat a gun in a fight.Unless it is a lightsaber and you are a Jedi or the main character in an anime.Then you are garanteed to block bullets.
  12. A GOOD looking character based on a real life person!?This looks about the smae quality as an snk character...Holy shit I have seen it all.Thank you !? for making a great character.
  13. I don't know why I never got this...Maybe 'cause I had a smaller roster and now that it is huge I forget about it?
  14. Not everyone can do that.That is why this exsists.
  15. Awesome.What do you plan to add?Special intro's?
  16. Nice!So what's left?More supers?Or just some extras?
  17. This edit is pretty bad...Not horrible but bad.
  18. I would like to see you try. And of course it is bad!
  19. Hola.Tienes una cuenta?Si no registrate aqui.Perdon pero yo no se nada por ahora pero creo que ya exsisten los dos.Solo que estan fuera de linea.
  20. Same here.I had my hopes up but it was YUUGI from touhou.It's a red Arcueid edit though.
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