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Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Definately.Those are so beatiful...I shed a tear.
  2. It was at the end of the year last year back in my sophmore year.I got my permit to drive and I was gonna drive home that day.I see these jocks bullying some kid and his sister that were freshmen so I step out of my car and tell them to stop.I knew it wasn't going to work but these bitches don't know that I know Ju Jitsu and Kick Boxing.In the end I knocked them senseless.Me versus about 7 jocks and they go tell on me like little pussies.Thing is I am in the VERY good side with the principal.I made sure not to leave them scars so they can't prove shit either.They got told to leave the school grounds and got in trouble for trying to get me in trouble.
  3. You better run!Hm....I don't remember you...
  4. I am very serious.I'm gonna try and do this again tomorrow or sunday when I don't have to give a fuck about school...Or studying...
  5. Dark Spirit is present here!I was here since December last year maybe...?Oh well and guys if you keep whinning about them Rep points I'mma do this to you----->
  6. Hey CiCi!I just came back too!
  7. Hola CiCi.Tu y yo nos fuimos un rato grande de aqui.
  8. I never had a problem with Laharl's attitude nor any person on here.Even if they were assholes sometimes.By the way were did CiCi go?
  9. I read this thread as your favorite animals and characters...Anyway my favorite anime hasn't been released yet.
  10. I remember I put a mugen of absolutely shit characters and then I put Slayer in.I went to round 100 and the my computer crashed.
  11. How I look at all the new people. Now we must
  12. I leave for a month and...Woah holy shit who are you people?!?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlazEdge21
    3. RippleRollerDa


      Where've you been? lol

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      I've been busy with school work and a job.Working up to buy a myself a car or a motorcycle.Now I have school to deal with too but that won't be too hard.Oh yeah hi new people.

  13. Not sure if you should have a Happy B-day or a Happy Birth day....Either way have fun bro!
  14. I was owned a python...I was around 5 and I had it until 3 years ago.It died by eating bit by a mouse who was supposed to be his food.That is really the only pet I had aside from aquariums.I have a salt water one right now.
  15. Though having private characters or unreleased privates is cool.Respect is cooler and if that author wants privacy then let him have privacy.That is the whole reason why this could be bad image for MFFA.
  16. I already made preparations.lol.I saved a computer for this.
  17. No it wasn't the 21st.It will be august 8th I think.
  18. Hey Ryoucchi ever got done with the portraits for the full Touhou game I was putting together?
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