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Mugen Free For All

Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. I read this thread as your favorite animals and characters...Anyway my favorite anime hasn't been released yet.
  2. I remember I put a mugen of absolutely shit characters and then I put Slayer in.I went to round 100 and the my computer crashed.
  3. How I look at all the new people. Now we must
  4. Not sure if you should have a Happy B-day or a Happy Birth day....Either way have fun bro!
  5. I was owned a python...I was around 5 and I had it until 3 years ago.It died by eating bit by a mouse who was supposed to be his food.That is really the only pet I had aside from aquariums.I have a salt water one right now.
  6. Though having private characters or unreleased privates is cool.Respect is cooler and if that author wants privacy then let him have privacy.That is the whole reason why this could be bad image for MFFA.
  7. I already made preparations.lol.I saved a computer for this.
  8. No it wasn't the 21st.It will be august 8th I think.
  9. Hey Ryoucchi ever got done with the portraits for the full Touhou game I was putting together?
  10. My god....This is awesome....Why isn't there more pokemon characters like this!?I would love to see Garchomp made awesome.The only one sucks.
  11. I wonder what Comiket 82 will hold since it will be Touhou only you know?
  12. Hey new people.I realize at this time I log in we have 112 people on MFFA.Has it ever been so busy it locks people out?
  13. I leave for a few days and this happens.Holy shit...I actually left the internet!?Nice job Laharl.You are an awesome moderator.Keep up the good work.
  14. Yep.I guess ZUN found a troll bigger than him.
  15. Defenitely...Saw that on Reddit.
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