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Mugen Free For All

Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Yugi Muto.Playing a card game to save the world. Seriusly though bleach should die already.
  2. We should all make Mugen characters of ourselves.With supers,specials and all!Then we can make a Mugen Free for All full game with the members!
  3. Mexicans will invade this forum!Then it'll be in spanish.
  4. They expect you to be Chuck Norris in Japan...
  5. Necrofantasia is always badass but I would've liked to see Night Falls ~ Evening Star...Well that's why Mugen is customizable...actually I'm using a remix of Flandre's theme her.The red just fits the song.
  6. Sakuya Izayoi from Touhou(Time stop!) Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(More time stop!) Shiki Tohno from Melty Blood(Those eyes...) Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara X(Lightnig swords!)
  7. Then you will never use Esnips!
  8. I heard the creator is close to bringing it to an end this year...Bleach should try that too.
  9. Bleach or Naruto?I'm talking about Bleach...I know it hasn't been around for long and apperantly it is close to ending this year.
  10. I didn't like Majora's Mask as much as Ocarina of Time mainly because while there is alot more adventure in a way it seems rushed to finished everytime I play it...Just wanna take my time...
  11. Series that go like that really need to complete faster.How long has Bleach been around and how many chapters does it have?Too many for such a short time...
  12. A Vanilla Ice edit to look like Diavolo?Where?!?
  13. I enjoyed Death Note very much but I hadn't read Psyren much...does he become god?
  14. That's cool.Diversity is what people say to be the spice of life and this website has diversity. :GHEYFACE:
  15. For me it is because only Sakuske's shirt would be acceptable camoflauge for a ninja.If a ninja's way is silent and unnoticable then almost all of the characters fail to do that.Bright orange isn't going to help you in the forest...
  16. Cool..I'll be leaving now for today... http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//ph34r.png
  17. I never got into any Shounen Jump manga other than Rosario + Vampire.That's because it's pretty funny and sometimes badass.Another one would be the original Yu-Gi-Oh! because Dark Yugi was a badass until he played card games for a living.It's not bad I just lost alot of intrest until I got cards and got addicted to the game! http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//angry.png
  18. The actual file has finally been uploaded here. https://rapidshare.com/files/2927544319/JoJo_s_Venture_Intro.zip
  19. This is badass in many ways. :GHEYFACE:
  20. I hate Bleach...I prefer DBZ but I like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure better than DBZ...I really hate though are Narufags A.K.A Naruto fanboys and fangirls...most of them and I say most of them are idiots that can't take either trolling or realizing that the series isn't that good...sorry if I offend anyone with this as I stated,Most fans are like this...
  21. The World is named after the tarot card the world not because it only dominates the world.It has it's limitations because it wasn't complete yet.It would be like stairway to heaven if not stronger if Dio would have been at his full potential.He never got to it in the series.
  22. Sonic and Shadow can't stop time they slow it down.Oh yeah Zinesis Stairway to Heaven is probably the strongest stand.But I actually found it awesome that it created an alternate universe making Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.That could do anything quite literally by going to alternate universe and enlisting help.Who knows maybe there is an alternate universe where DIO perfected the world's time stop ability and it evolves!God Bleach is impossible to keep up with.One thing I like about series that makes the characters stronger is if they are able to die.If you can just instantly revive themselves they are cowards that fear death.The ideal character for me would be something that can be killed and still be able to win.Heck any character that can accept death and not revive like Goku or be invinsible.That is what real power consists of so as long as Goku is invinsible and can't die he won't be as strong as anybody because he relies on those to survive.My opinion,don't hate.
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