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Mugen Free For All

Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Hey guys long time no see. I recently got a new computer and I lost a ton of my MUGEN stuff in the process. In the stuff I lost were these two stages: and Ice:Lobby of DIO's Mansion (Don't have a picture for it) Both of them were made by Orochi Herman and I can't find any of his stages online. It would be awesome if one of you guys gave me the stages.
  2. I probably missed one of the things in this site I really wanted to try...
  3. This one is pretty neat. I'll check it out. Any lifebars that seem to fit the theme though? These really do suck.
  4. I totally want a Mega Typhlosion. I can't say I don't
  5. I think the one Pokemon who needs to get a Mega evolution is definitely Dunsparce. Either that or an evolution so it doesn't have to be a burden to have him be there.
  6. I did not notice that actually.Guess I'll have to check for that now.
  7. Nice.I have not gotten to upload my full game yet because of work and school and am currently going to check if it is ready to recieve some love. Anyway I think some lifebars by Kurogane are 1.0 mugen and look really cool.
  8. My browser actually keeps me on when I am not on the page sometimes.Then again some people are just going to download a stage or character in the news/collections pages.
  9. Touhou is a pretty cool series to get into.The fanbase makes it better than the games in my opinion though some fans get pretty hectic when it comes to the best character.Try the fighter games and then move to the danmaku games.
  10. Agreed Genesis.Delete most of Random Chatter and I guess it is good to go through with this plan.Specifically with the Capcom section.It is filled with redirects.
  11. That is shit.Sorry to hear Laharl.I got a strike because I upload a file with Vanilla Ice from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure named VanillaI.7z and they messaged me about a strike for uploading that file because of similarities between the singer and the file name.They really need to actually check the files before sending a strike.
  12. I feel like the page took even less time to load this time around.I guess it just was a good idea.Either that or my internet stopped acting up.
  13. Alright then.You got me looking forward for this.
  14. Definitely no.But would it be much of a problem to link to it anyway?
  15. Common problem occuring is that people are getting lazier and much weaker.It seems nobody has a feel to an old gamer.Games treat people like blind idiots by presenting a tutorial for every fucking thing in the game.Heck some games tell you how to walk in the game or even move at all.On some games it is fine and only once but it gets repetitive and constant in other games and I feel mocked.It is almost like the companys think of the gamers nowdays as absolute idiots.
  16. Oh I see.So what happens when someone requests cheap or brocken characters?Are they turned down?What happens if a stage or character is for a specific resolution?
  17. If it is too much of a bother on the site to upload them here then try it on skydrive.I know it is a good site for uploading files.
  18. It seems to take up alot of space.Once a thread of mine was in the front of Microsoft part of gaming for over a month so it keeps things more organized.Plus nobody seems to care much at all so go for it.
  19. A dream of mine since I discovered mugen was to play online but this seems....I don't know....Too soon?I feel like it should wait more before online can come out.Is it bug free?How about the characters?Can it be any character or stage?
  20. Was there not a Blazblue thread already?Either way this one is much better.Great post!
  21. Thank you guys for answering my question.I guess I will not be downloading her for now then.Maybe when my Gaming tower gets fixed(I'll do it later I swear) I will download her into my mugen there.
  22. Nice.It is running smoothly on my side over here.
  23. I had one post on this site with another username.I do not recall the username and I do not remember what I said.That was it.I do recall being here to download only.
  24. The game flows fine and the gameplay is great compared to the previous two fighter games.It actually feels like Touhou.I will say the backgrounds are a little bit dissapointing but that is just because I have seen the Hakurei shrine playing other games like about 100 times but that is it.With basic Japanese the menu is simple enough to traverse through.
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