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Arklegend Zinesis

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Everything posted by Arklegend Zinesis

  1. Yeah,I still have trouble breathing sometimes but I'm fine this couple of days.
  2. Why are the tools on editing your signature disabled? I also can't fix the color and font style.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NeoGeoKitsune
    3. Ryon


      im not sure honestly... its strange.

    4. Arklegend Zinesis

      Arklegend Zinesis

      Thanks for fixing it Ry

  3. Not really a new vid but this is my first camtasia mugen vid. This just got approved recently by youtube cause when I first uploaded it, it was rejected cause it was too long and at that time long vids(15min plus) were not yet acceptable. Hope you enjoy the fights
  4. Wow werewood's back, welcome back man sorry if I just visited this page I'm kinda preoccupied with somethings lately. Again welcome back and welcome also to the MFFA Family.
  5. [Preview] [Download] https://mega.nz/#!cY4RzQpb!bhM-kL9SOvau3SxyFaMUt2SFkN6_NbT5kwkAuoAJApI [Comment] Please take note that this an earlier version than the one in the laptop that was stolen. It does not have the custom lifebar and the updated portrait of the chars, also some of the chars were from the previews released version you might want to update them like steely dan. If your wondering why I released this, its because I'll be going back to the hospital and idk how many days or week that I will be there. Any question please just pm me so I can reply to them any time when I'm back. Hope you enjoy the sp and game :)
  6. its ok Ry I'm kinda use to it, as for mugen I'm re collecting some chars since I don't have my laptop containing my collections.
  7. Yes but I'm not physically in good condition, also your the 26th person who ask that question.
  8. I can remake tmuz easily since I still have some of the images used in one of my archived files.
  9. Thanks for Info Ry I thought I was penalized for not posting for so long.
  10. Not really sure if that was an appropriate title, oh well as the title said I'm back but the bad news is that some people broke in the house while I was in the hospital. I lost three valuable Items my cellphone, tablet, and my laptop that contains most of my mugen full-games and wips. So sorry to those who were waiting for some of them to be release or re-uploaded, don't worry though if everything goes smoothly next week I will be able remake or make a new version of them.
  11. lol I based the palette color on Genju's Bankai form (his the guy who stole Ichigo's fullbring power)
  12. Yeah but I cannot play with it for too long, 1.0 is too heavy to play with.
  13. [Preview] [Download] Download [Comment] Updated version of the GGXX UM series
  14. Tried making portrait for Vec's lifebar, this is on 1.0 btw
  15. Nice start, image needs improving just do what Ex and light said.
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