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Everything posted by Sinjik

  1. (Seth did as Hera commanded, and jumped back from the creature)
  2. Now is the time (Seth attempts to do a swift straight line attack on the creature) Soukou no Vengeance!
  3. Uuugh, now my ears are ringing. Its hard to make out what there even saying... (Byakuya looks around for an exit, but sees the team battling guards) *Sigh* Well that's just great... Oh well, never saw a guard climb before sooo. (Byakuya then used his weapons to climb on top of a building)
  4. (Byakuya chuckles. Struggling with movement and speech) Hehehe. P-Pathetic... They sound... EVEN worse than... A swarm of locust....
  5. (The sky then turns red as Byakuya is surrounded by webs with dead people inside. His voice echoes) There's no were run! No were to hide! Fear seeps through every crack and hole it finds... Only to corrupt the pure! (He then tries to stab Hina with all of his spider-like weapons)
  6. (As Hina was coming to the end of the course, Byakuya was watching his watch for a bit, until he gave a devilish smile at Tommy, letting him know he was going to do something beyond what he has done so far) "Should i lay it here?"(Summoning one web on the ground to try and catch Hina off guard)
  7. Hehehe, maybe playing with you wasn't such a bad idea (He then whispered to himself) "Were should i lay this" (Summoning more webs as if making an obstacle course
  8. Looks like i underestimated her power... I Guess plan B would do something. (Byakuya puts he spider like weapons In front of him to block, the force pushed him back a bit) Did those spirits of your ever tell you how painful death was?
  9. Not bad at all... Except... (He then placed a web in front of him, he knew her attack would pierce through, but he had something else in mind)
  10. (The person starts to stare at Tommy as if annoyed) You... That's some talk coming from you... I think somebody else in this world will teach you real nightmare... You better pray it isn't gonna be me...
  11. Rebellion?! Heheh, hahaha, HAHAHAHA. I could care less. The only thing that's good for is a riot, killing, bloodshed... That kind of stuff. (He then turns to Agni) You seem interested in my EXS, so i mind as well tell it, in case i accidentally kill her. The EXS of Dark Spike, "Chelicerata"
  12. (The Team heard yet another chuckle, as they see the person who made the webs) How funny... I knew one of you would catch on all too quickly. And it seems it was on the right person. Ah, must be nice talking to the spirits. So, there is one thing i do want to know....
  13. Investigation Team 3 (The Team starts to see more glowing webs as if in a spiders territory. But this time, some of the webs has people in them, and some has blood dripping from them)
  14. Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah) (The unknown person then looks down at the team from the building) Awww, just when the curious fly was about to be caught in a web. Oh well. I better get a move on myself. Can't just lose track of a curious group, and the popo might be getting suspicious. (The person then starts to chuckle more while following the team in another route.)
  15. Investigation Team 3 (The team then heard a chuckle that sounded a bit like a kid) (There was also a glowing web seen on one of the near by buildings)
  16. Audience Team (While walking along with the group, Seth was looking a bit worried) (I see.. .so this was all just to save a world that I... No, none of us knows about. It seems i must hold more burdens upon me... "She" will have to wait longer. Until then i have no choice... I need to endure longer.
  17. ......Some of my powers have went astray. I feel some of it coming back bit by bit, but it's giving me slight headaches....
  18. I too seek answers. And maybe a way to return to are own dimensions. I don't care if i have to kill somebody to do it...
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