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Everything posted by Sinjik

  1. (Hyde steps into the elevator, quietly listening to the music) Hyde:(Not exactly my type of music, but I can chill to it) Location: Unknown (After hours of waiting, the portal finally turned into a different portal) ???: Heh, about time! (The figure approaches the portal) ???: Hm, my body won't be completely stable here, but it should be enough. (The figure then went through the portal) ???:(....I can already sense a huge cluster of energy?) (The person looks in the direction of where the energy is coming from) ???:(Hehehe, Well, if there is this much energy I mind as well check it out) (After fixing his hood, the person starts to head to the "Bottom")
  2. Hyde: Heh, guess we came after the rush. (Hyde starts to enter along with the others)
  3. Location: Unknown ???: This isn't enough... This isn't enough! (A figure stands by a bunch of machines both broken and undamaged) ???: Why didn't it work! The weapon should have linked this place to only one location, instead I have three different portals! (After a moment of silence, the portals soon started to slowly move together) ???: Finally, this ate up too much of my time. If this will make the right portal, I should be able to do the same with the other portal. But right now, I need to watch this portal to make sure no other errors happen. Hehehe, I almost can't believe this is starting to go my way.
  4. ???: I came here to try and control my powers. I think this arena will do me some good. ???: (Speaking of getting here though, I have been getting a lot of weird hallucinations. I forgot a part of how I got here. I shouldn't think about it too much right now, but it's definitely something i'm going to have to look into.) ???: By the way, i'm Kido Hyde, or just Hyde if you prefer.
  5. (As the boy was walking around, he found two nearby people) ???: (Hm, I'm sure they know what this place is.) Hey, you know where I can find a map of this place? @A person @Darkflare
  6. (In a distance, was a young looking teen that looks like he just gained his senses) ???: (Tch, now where am I?) (The boy observed his surroundings to see if he was at where he once was) ???: (T-This place is completely different, how did I get here though?) ???:(Alright, I'm sure somebody around here should know what this place is. A map would be nice as well....) (The boy starts to walk around the city, in search for anybody who has the information he needs)
  7. Byakuya: (This situation gonna be hard to get out of, getting rid of some of them should help) Byakuya:(Lets just see who's are next victim) (Seeing Emillia coming in from the right gave him an idea) Byakuya:(Heh, I'm sure putting it right here won't hurt) (After laying the nest, Byakuya started to charge towards Emillia)
  8. (Byakuya waits, sitting while tapping the ground constantly with his weapons) Byakuya: (Hmm, sounds like the battle is starting to heat up. I hope they at least get close enough for me to attack)
  9. (Byakuya stretched a bit) Byakuya: Well, better hop right to it. (Byakuya heads to the arena)
  10. (Byakuya covered his mouth and nose as fast as possible) Byakuya: (Dang it! I gotta get out of here fast.) (Byakuya started to rush out with his weapons spinning around him to clear the smoke)
  11. (Byakuya continued to walk with his weapons ready) Byakuya: Come on you can't keep running around forever! Byakuya: You wouldn't want your team to lose because you were hiding. That would be quite tragic. (Byakuya stood there awaiting to hear an answer as if he knew Kirimuri was near)
  12. Byakuya: (So, he still got some energy left in him) Byakuya: I'm not letting you go so eas- (But while Byakuya's focus was on Kurimuri, he ended up getting hit by Light's attack) Byakuya: Ugh, where the heck did that come from? Byakuya: (Nevermind that. Since we're running on little time, I think luring him would be better) (Byakuya sets another nest) Light purple = Nest Purple = Byakuya
  13. Byakuya: !!! Byakuya: Phew (That was too close) (Byakuya approaches Yui) Byakuya: Take a little rest, leave this to me. (Byakuya starts to approach Kirimuri with his weapons ready in case he wasn't eliminated yet)
  14. Byakuya: Right. Byakuya: I got you now! (Byakuya sets his nest near Etomo, where it could activate)
  15. Byakuya: Well then, we'll head there and make one less person to worry about. (Byakuya starts to move towards the assigned area)
  16. Byakuya: Alright, now we're getting some where. (Byakuya follows along with the group)
  17. Byakuya: Well some of you know the basic of my abilities, I use my webs as traps to make an opening for an attack.
  18. Byakuya: So, I assume I just wait to be put on a side since I didn't choose yet. @Darkflare
  19. Verve - Elysia inn Seth: You all are already here, to be expected...
  20. Warrior's Hangout (While Byakuya was walking, he made it down to the lobby) Byakuya: Hm? Whats with all the noise? Verve - Elysia Inn Seth: That scent. Clearly it must be Breakfast time. I assume the others are already there, perhaps not all of them though. (Seth starts to make his way to the breakfast area)
  21. Warrior's Hangout - Byakuya Byakuya: Heh, morning already. I must have fell asleep pretty fast, I can't really remember what I was doing last night. (As Byakuya stretches his arms, he gets up to peek outside his room) Byakuya: Well, it's pretty quiet, despite some voices. I guess it's safe to walk around a bit. (Byakuya starts to walk in the hallway) Elysia Inn - Seth Seth: Surprisingly, I managed to get some sleep. Usually at night I would be wide awake, mostly due to my client asking me to assassinate someone. Seth: ....I still feel a bit sleepy, but I should be able to get through it. Candor Chaos: This should be a good time to make some progress. Now, let's see who would know...
  22. (Sometime after walking, the girl came to a stop and turned towards Shrike) ???: I believe this is far enough. Again, I appreciate your protection. ???: Perhaps, we will run into each other again?
  23. ???: ...... ???: I do not mind being escorted, I'm unaware of how dangerous it is here.
  24. Enkidu: Considering the state he is currently in it's possible, but try not to worry too much, it's going to take a long time for him to actually get to major strength. Well, I should get going, you all may continue on what you were doing. (Enkidu starts to walk away) ???: I appreciate your concern, but I am looking for someone... ???: He's most likely causing a little too much trouble by now, but you could say he's my sword and shield.
  25. Enkidu: Unfortunately, I need you all to avoid him as much as possible for now. Though his powers aren't intimidating to many, he still has many tricks up his sleeves. Location: Candor ???: This should be enough evidence. Now, all I need to do is track down the person who brought me here, which will seemingly take a long time, at least myself alone. ???: Surely somebody with high power would be able to summon such a portal. Judging by how powerful the portal was, I must be far away from "home." ???: Well, that's a wrap for now. It seems Azhi is back to normal, it wouldn't hurt to have him out. (A beast-like creature was summoned out, and proceeded to walk along side the person)
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