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Everything posted by DS12

  1. Guess if you want something done now, you have to do it yourself. - Added Neera Li by Broder IX
  2. Well, do you have a link for it?
  3. Yes, another battle: 


  4. Another battle? 😮 



  5. More feedback...my statement about fixing ALL bugs from ALL of your characters before releasing them instead of fixing "a few" and then releasing them in a rush still applies you know. ZIM: - Zim's attacks are still infinites and can be spammed over and over again - Why can I perform wrench special just by pressing "b" now? - Zim's drill special is still overpowered - PAK special's overpowered, even the guarding damage for it is overpowered - Electric special's hitbox...fix please - Ok, maybe I didn't make it clear about stopping the spinning sound loop. Maybe stop playing that sound effect when Zim's about to shoot his lasers (for the elite hyper). - Still didn't fix this, huh? Giving you the opportunity to do so the third time. - Fix hitbox where yellow circle's at: ROCKO: - Still has infinites on attacks - Spitball projectile goes through opponents at random times rather than hit them for some reason... - Spirited away does WAY too much damage - Pogo stick doesn't do enough damage - Still unable to perform bird chirp for some reason - Brain Pop is hard to perform - Heffer still hits opponents when he lands rather than hitting them from above - Rocko still jumps in the same direction Earl is running in, and dust positioning problems not being on ground - Hitspark positioning needs work - Jackhammer sound for Jackhammer #2 hyper still doesn't stop playing, even if the hyper is finished - Crazy Bus driver still does way too much damage. Oh, and BG problems persist - Continuing the Crazy Bus Driver, I thought female rocko from france or whatever was supposed to show up at the beginning of the hyper, not sheila. - Boxing hyper does way too much damage for a Lvl. 1 hyper - Rocko's finisher is still bugged ED: - Ed pops out even when chest doesn't open - Ed's attacks are still infinitely spammable - You still need to fix this... - Ed still throws his opponents backwards and takes long for the opponent to come down, unless if that was intentional - Nazz assist (2nd one) still doesn't connect all her hits and ends up going through the opponent That's all. This time, please fix ALL the bugs in your characters before releasing them to the public.
  6. Tested the fixes out...you DID fix a few bugs here and there, but you still have a ways to go. Here's what you still need to fix: WHAT YOU STILL NEED TO FIX FOR ZIM: - Zim's spammy attacks and infinites - Zim's wrench position when performed in air (still goes through the opponent) - Gir's underpowered pig projectile damage - Overpowered damage with zim's drill special - Robodad's walking up to the opponent and instant running away without even attacking thing - Incapability to perform the PAK special because of the electric special overlapping it - Zim staff spinning sound loop that doesn't stop playing even if the hyper sequence ends (for the elite hyper) - The poorly executed pause sequence for Gir's hyper attack - Fix this too: WHAT YOU STILL NEED TO FIX FOR DIB: - Dib's spammable attacks (possibly leading to infinites) - INTENSE shaking when opponent gets hit by Air Strong Punch - Oversized hack helper as you can see from this screenshot (reposted): - Constant pause and long dialogue sequence for the ham special (actually, remove it completely please, it's redundant) - Dib's camera not having the camera flash sound for the camera special - Opponent going into passare state by Dib's water balloon - Dib's AI teleporting spam - Gaz's red hitbox display even though she's not appraoching the opponent in order to throw a pizza - Ray special not doing any damage at all - Membrane hyper costing 3 power levels first then the the rest of your power level - Hypers that give back power - Torque smackey barely doing any damage and take off the darken effect for the pause state - Ya still need to fix this... WHAT YOU NEED TO FIX FOR ED: - Ed not being able to fit at the bottom at the screen as you can see here: - Ed throwing the opponent backward and WAY too high - Ed's spammable attacks (aside from standing heavy punch and kick), which leads to infinites. - Nazz going through the opponent while punching and kicking, not being able to connect all hits and results in uselessness - WAAAAYYYY too many hitboxes - Fix this too: That's all I have. From the test I did, you apparently fixed 2-4 bugs, while for ed you fixed most of it. If I were you, I'd make an effort to address to ALL of the bugs rather than to just fix "a few" and send updates out in a rush. Saves me and the others the stress of testing all 3 of them over and over again after all.
  7. Another battle cuz why not?


  8. Feedback time: ROCKO: - All attacks still can be spammed over and over again (I do recall sending this to you twice now and you still haven't fixed it) - Running still plays even if Rocko stops (I also do recall sending this to you and you still haven't fixed it) - Spitball recovery frames are too...slow - Spitball proj. hardly does any damage - 130 damage from spirited away special, fix pls - Pogo stick special needs a bit of damage increase (i.e. change from 30 (also 18 for smashing) ---> 60) - I can't perform Bird Chirp special (I also told you this, and again, you never fixed it) - Brain Pop can be tricky to perform (however, when I did it once, it hardly does any damage at all) - 140 damage on Tornado Kick, fix that as well please. - Why does heffer hit the opponents AFTER he lands? - Rocko doesn't even jump over Earl, he jumps into the direction he's running in. - Also, why does THIS happen when earl hits the opponent? - Sheila assist needs a damage increase - 254 damage is a bit too much for a Lvl 1 hyper (a.k.a the boxing hyper) - red hitboxes need widening for the jackhammer hyper as it doesn't particularly hit Kung Fu Man (or other characters with thin hitboxes) multiple times for 8-19 frames. - Jackhammer 2 jackhammering sound won't stop playing even if Rocko finishes the hyper - Suck-o-matic hyper does too much damage, even if it's a Lvl 3 hyper - Crazy Bus Driver literally takes half of opponent's health. I know it's a Lvl 4 hyper, but that's way too much - Also, BG problems during the Crazy Bus Driver sequence: - FINISHER doesn't even kill the opponent, and after that, this happens: - What happened to the Earl chasing Rocko winpose? Earl doesn't even appear onscreen, and I thought Spunky was also supposed to run from it as you told me on discord. ZIM: - Like Rocko, attacks can be spammed over and over again, and infinitely - What's this? No target hit sprite when hit by Zim's bomb? (I think I also told you this on Discord and yet you still haven't fixed it) - For a gun proj. THIS big, it shouldn't even do 20 damage. Oh yeah, and proj. layering problems persist too. - Same thing with this. I liked it better when the proj. were small. - No target hit sprite for the Fire special, and...hardly does damage (didn't I tell you this on discord?) - Wrench literally goes through the opponent whenever Zim throws the wrench at a close distance (position's still off, pls fix) - Gir's pig proj. only does 10 damage? - After performing the gnome assist, I'm can't perform the gir assist anymore. - Robodad walks up to the opponent and instantly runs away without attacking. - Hitspark positions are WAY out of place - I can't perform the PAK special because the "electric" special overlaps it if you know what I mean... - Sound when zim spins his staff around doesn't stop playing, even if after the hyper sequence is finished - Pause sequence gone wrong which leads to this: - Hitbox size needs fixing, literally: - Zim Portrait for Finisher could be bigger (but not too big please) DIB: - Oh neat! We're off to a good start (but seriously fix this please) - Do I have to keep saying this? All attacks can be spammed over and over again. - Also long hitboxes, shorten them please - For an Air heavy strong punch, the screen shouldn't shake twice as much when hitting the opponent. - Let's compare sizes for the hack special shall we? - Pause sequence for Ham special can be annoying, especially if doing it repeatedly. - Camera special has no flash sound? (And didn't I say this in discord as well?) - Hit by water balloon goes into a passare state for the opponent...which makes absolutely no sense. (I also went through with this several times in discord) - Gaz's red hitbox is still present even if she's throwing a pizza at a far distance - Ray special hardly does any damage, fix that please. - Water Gun hyper barely does any damage and doesn't hit that much at all - Also, fix this: - Before Dib calls Membrane, power is reduced to 2000, then when Membrane shows up, power is reduced to 0. - Meat hyper gives back power - Torque Smackey takes off all your power and only does 126 damage - Dib's AI spams teleport extremely often, and it can get really irritating after a while ED: - Yeah...uh...fix please? - Yeah, if you'll look at the bottom of the screenshot, you'll see what needs fixing - Dust explods out of place - Ed's grab doesn't seem to work - All attacks except standing strong punch and kick can be spammed over and over again, and of course...infinitely - Ed still rambles on after saying this one short quote, "This is jib." (for the Jib special) - Ed's sneeze hitbox is practically full screen, tone it down please - Squirt Gun still looks and sounds like tasers - No frame after being burnt? - Nazz kissing should cost some power, since she heals Ed's health and can be spammed - Nazz doesn't hit the opponent when the opponent is too close to the edge of the screen That's all I have, I hope you'll fix these bugs.
  9. Nerd vs. Genius

    You don't see this every day. 


  10. So I updated the Freedom Planet (and 2) collection. 

    Since Synck's FP2 characters from the FP2 fighting edition game (which I did not put into the collection cause rules said so) were uploaded onto MA, and edited for some reason, I kinda figured I would add those characters into the collection since it's meant to also aim at FP2, but if only that's okay with Synck himself, otherwise I'd be happy to remove until further notice.

    So without further ado, check it out for yourself:

    NOTE: FP2 character links are redirected to mediafire, just to remind ya.

  11. - Added FP2 characters to the collection. I also added (FP1) and (FP2) next to the author's names to simply give a hint to what games these characters are from.
  12. So....just to let you guys know, I did NOT do this Revamp. A guy named, Joey the Tricky revamped it for me cause it had a lot of flaws and such. I tested it before releasing this, and the coding was utterly ridiculous. So I made some changes myself. Here's a list: And that's pretty much it. I thank Joey the Tricky for helping me out with this, and I hope you guys will enjoy the revamp! VIDEO: DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=104TFSECI-0HutkITbbSiKT8F5ZiEG49D
  13. Merry christmas y'all! 

    Special gift for you: 


  14. So apparently I'm currently on christmas break, and what better way to spend it than to release an update. And guess who it is: DS12 Yeah, so basically I could no longer hold him off. So I took this oppurtunity to update him. And hoo boy, what a job I've done. Here's his changelog for V1.1: V1.1: Big Blue Update - Added a CONFIG for Palette Selector - Fixed Hyper Portrait sequence with Kyubey assist - Fixed infinite on Heavy Punch (Stand) - Edited AI a bit - Added access to combo standing -> crouching or crouching -> standing - All normals can now be comboed into specials - Adjusted poweradd on Statedefs on normals - Replaced SSB4 hitsounds with SSBU sounds - Modified squashed compatibility - Adjusted juggle limit for Air Heavy Kick - Added Getpower = 0 to hitdefs that do not have it (for hypers) - Adjusted Mid.pos (not head.pos cause Mami headgear) - Added Blue CLSNS over Red CLSNS for every animation that DS12 sticks his feet/hands out (attacks, basically) - Vulcan Jab now has limited timing if holding "x" - Fixed infinite on second attack before performing vulcan jab - Balanced out Frame Advantages - Adjusted Pausetime on several hitdefs - Guard cancel can now be performed if it wasn't accessed already - Increased Normals damage by 10% (for multi-hits: 5%) - Airdash now cancels into normals, etc. - Messed around with pausetimes - Air strong punch no longer wallbounces opponents ON the ground - Corrected high and low hits on normals - Added numenemy, numhelper, and numtarget to free some (not all) of the debug flood - Aligned and positioned some sprites, also transparency animations - Computer (For DELET This) now disappears if there are no enemies at all - Corrected hitdef's attributes - Added statetype idle codes for recovery frames of normals - Added another error message for DELET This. - Invincibility removed during start-up of powercharge - Fixed bug in special intro against SSBB Kirby where you could control him after he was hit by the warp star - Added voiceclip for Waluigi when he gets hurt (for the 5th(?) time) - Escargoon now appears whenever Dedede assist (SUPPORTIVE ONLY) wins Yeah, that's a LOT. In fact, there were so much that I might've missed most of the issues here and there. But please understand that this was all I could find. That being said, download link's below the video. I hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas! VIDEO: DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XkIqot7_0WwSLMDWVHB2-HMxXz_2LGAS
  15. Two MOOGEN vids that I forgot to post for some reason:
  16. So, I tried to add a new image for the signature that's exactly (or less than) 600 X 200, but it still says that my chosen signature doesn't meet with its guidelines, even if I resized it smaller than 600 X 200. I also get this error: "Unable to retrieve signature image dimensions for http://mugenfreeforall.com/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png, please try another image." I double-checked the guidelines to make sure I didn't misread anything, and I also tried to add the image with the [/img] BBCode, but the site still disapproves of my signature either way. If anyone has a solution to this, I really appreciate it, cause I tried everything.
  17. Super Better Mario and Super Better Luigi now have their fixes (from all of your feedback) released. If you want the changelogs for them, then here they are: Super Better Mario V3.11 (A small, red plumbing fix): - Special intro against Bowser Jr. no longer plays during simuls (cause of complex coding and shet) - Added juggle limit to ground pound to avoid infinites - Crouching Strong Punch no longer can be comboed into iceball due to infinites - Fixed bug where EX fireball is unblockable up close - Added Uya icons Super Better Luigi V3.1 ("I wanna do absolutely nothing already" small fix): - Fixed stone intro where you could control the opponent after he/she was hit (fixed on version 3.01) - Added Juggle limit to ground pound to avoid infinites - Removed debug variable that was left in statedef -2 - Icon now has shared palettes on the hat and overalls (if you could SEE it) - Hammer Luigi now only throws out 3 hammers instead of 4 (in exchange for damage increase by 3%) - Hammer Proj. now block at middle - Shrinked hitboxes for electric palm's proj. - Cleaned up portrait - Fixed bug where EX fireball is unblockable close up - Did some playing around with the hypers - Added Uya Icons Here's the video for it as well: DOWNLOADS: Super Better Mario V3.11: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15anpP9T86jiH1Hs-S2PepCn_BCgp459N Super Better Luigi V3.1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hPMnEeiQaW9ic7Ml5E9-ah-iJxChzop8
  18. Super Better Luigi's been updated for a hotfix: V1.01: A Green Hotfix - Shrinked hitboxes for the shockwaves from SilverBall - Added a Pause effect for the OHKO sequence - Added "no foreground" for the OHKO sequence - Added a new victory Portrait - Fixed aerial bug with dash attack and standing heavy attack Link (UPDATED): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hPMnEeiQaW9ic7Ml5E9-ah-iJxChzop8
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