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Everything posted by RedDragonCats17

  1. Decided to add some grass on the outside, mostly because i think that green grass is a little prettier than stone. (Don't worry about the pillar that's in the way)
  2. This is just a little showcase of the stage i'm currently making, love the final result of the sun.
  3. (Good grief i barely post stuff here and in the guild) Came up with a retro stage idea that's.... pretty original i guess. It's a crossover of Donkey Kong and Wrecking Crew, both for the NES. I already got all of the foreground elements ready, but i don't have a level for the background. I'd like to think that my friend Alex is working on a level that has elements from both Donkey Kong and Wrecking Crew, although i'm not sure what he's doing behind the scenes. So until i get a level for the background, i'm going to leave you guys with a little... thing about my Nintendo characters and their sprites. (Don't worry about my other stage idea, i'll work on that when i get ALL of the sprites) If you guys are willing to commission someone to do the sprites for me, then that's fine, but i recommend that you don't commission that person, because it's YOUR money, keep it and use it for YOUR needs. Don't worry about me, i'll find someone who can do the sprites for free, as a request, even if it's going to take forever to do so. In fact, i'm not even ready to make the characters, i didn't finish all the MvC characters i want to make (including Ryu), i'm just planning ahead.
  4. Pretty sure you saw my response, and thanks for the compliment, the stage is (as i said) a piece of my childhood.
  5. I just got OBS installed, so the last thing i need is a editing program. I was thinking about getting Windows Movie Maker, but my dad said that i'd have to buy it. So my question is: Is there a video editing program that's free to use? Edit: Just got Avidemux, so i'm going to give that a shot.
  6. Um... could you upload One Winged Angel's Hulk into MediaFire, randomselect apparently has some unsafe content, so i can't get my hands on him.
  7. I couldn't find the "Releases" section at the home page, soooooo..... could you lead me to it? Edit: Welp, i didn't look hard enough. I JUST found it. Edit 2: I was willing to move this post to the "Releases", but i soon realized that someone did it for me. Wasn't paying attention, and thanks to that someone for moving it for me.
  8. If you've been following me on the MUGEN Guild Forums, then you'll probably know what i'm asking. If not, then i'll explain it here. I'm trying to rip the audience from Athena's stage, but i can't get rid of the battle ground without getting rid of the audience. I tried Kawaks, I tried NeoRageX, and none of them worked. How do i get rid of the battle ground?
  9. I'm back with another stage, a stage that i created for the version of Maki that's on the image right here. Why did i make this stage? Because i originally downloaded a hi res version of the stage, and it didn't look right for the version of Maki that i have, so i got rid of it, and i made this. I'm pretty much out of stage ideas right now, because i want to go for the games that I played, even though i didn't play Final Fight 2 (but i will on a emulator), i still wanted to make a stage that would fit Maki the best. Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sgrhpnn6qnusq8j/Hong+Kong.zip I could make some MvC styled stages one day, THAT would be interesting.
  10. I plan to make some CvS style characters once i'm done with all of the MvC ones i want to make. No, they're not going to be like Dark Chaos' characters, this is pretty much my own version of CvS, and no, i didn't play Capcom vs. SNK, and i hope they port it to PC or Xbox console, cuz i want to play it. 3 of the CvS characters are going to be Nintendo characters while others are different characters. If you want any info, just ask.
  11. Can't wait to see your videos featuring my stages, and i REALLY hope you enjoy them.
  12. Want some stages? Want some stages that look similar, but not exact to Agnibyte's stages? Don't worry! I have just the things for you! You can have these 2 stages for no cost, guaranteed! All that you have to do is click on the links at the bottom of this post, then you are ready to go! Alright, enough with the ad talk. Yoshi's Island was, and still is, a piece of my childhood, and I am happy on how the stage turned out. Back in the day, i played Super Mario World on the GameBoy Advance, and it was the best experience in my life, it was the first Mario platformer i have ever played. Here are the links, enjoy. http://www.mediafire.com/download/bwz9wyjljb94q1d/Yoshi's+Island.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/wpcb876bgrjb9ns/Air+Man.zip
  13. Hey guys, sorry for the wait, MUGEN Free for All wasn't loading properly for me, but i'm finally back. I'm going to change the name of this topic, release some of the stages that i made, then link you to one of the characters that need fixing, because i have NO clue on how to fix this character (Ryu), so i need some help from the forums.
  14. Could be that. I don't have Bandicam. But i can take screenshots.
  15. You guys should keep in mind, sometimes i'm lazy enough to code and rip sprites for my characters and i just f%ck around on MUGEN, so if you're going to be wondering why i'm taking so long to finish 1 character, it's because i'm flipping lazy.
  16. Y'know what? I'm gonna use the Vs. Style DEBUTS template and get the codes from that.
  17. Thanks for the welcome, i reposted my MegaMan W.I.P thing in the W.I.P topic, hope you check it out some time.
  18. Wow, there is a way to change the name, ignore the other post then. Now, i made a topic similar to this one on the MUGEN Guild Forums, and a good lot of the posts i made in that topic is me being a motormouth, so maybe i'll do the same here, idk. What i'm going to do after i delete some of the posts in here and give you the link to my Ryu is i'm going to make a AIR and palette patches for Gigahertz's Elena, Elena carries the same amount of animation flaws as Fido's, considering that Gigahertz decided to not realign her sprites to make her smoother, and some of her palettes are a eyesore, so i'm going to replace her intro and taunt animations, then make some new ones. There's one problem with this, Elena is all over the place, she moves SO MUCH it's impossible for me to align her correctly with her taunt, but it doesn't hurt to try. Now you must be wondering if there's any progress on my MegaMan. Unfortunately, i deleted him, so i'm going to start over on him another time, for now, MY focus is on Ryu. I would like to make a gameplay video of him, but i don't have a YouTube account, and i have to talk to my dad about that kind of stuff, so i thought that you should experience his "gameplay" yourself, so that you can find out why i REALLY need to fix him and i need your help for that. Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/kd7703r1sibg4s3/Ryu.zip
  19. Apparently, Yamori X's Cammy doesn't work. Any idea on what's going on?
  20. Hey guys, I completely forgot to introduce myself, so..... yeah. My name is James Williams, but i am currently known, right now, as RedDragonCats17. I live in Las Vegas Nevada, and i play a whole lot of games. 2 days ago, i started a W.I.P post for MegaMan, and i really hope that you check it out. Haven't shown you guys much, but i will be showing my progress in here and my Facebook group. If you wish to join it, link will be at the bottom of this post. I hope i get to know you guys and make more friends here, because what i want to do is make games, whether it's M.U.G.E.N or Fusion 2.5, it doesn't matter, i hope i get to know you guys. Shouts out to Ryon Persaud, i love his tutorials, big ass help. My group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/835236196562106/?ref=bookmarks
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