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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by radar4

  1. oh i couldn't see what was written at the last note, my poor eyesight probably... thanks to let me know dude:)
  2. need help!! got me an error message in mugen1.1, what should i do to make her work?
  3. Bulma!? i never knew that! i thought he was only interested in food and fight until married chi chi!
  4. wow, i'm loving this! an old skool new jack music will perfectly fit, thanks bro!
  5. thanks dude, i really appreciate your help Remzy thank you and good luck next year!
  6. same here, i can't seem to download wrs moreover mcafee detected strange behaviour in this site for some reason
  7. is there a mugen 1.0 version of this lifebar? i know it's for win but is there a way to convert these into 1.0 please?
  8. this luffy is really good but it crashed mugen1.1 alot, when is up against to some characters they both freeze at the intro. i guess there's some issues that need to be fixed, i hope he'll fix and update this character soon!
  9. his characters are the most accurate mvc2 in history of mugen, there are better than those around! the striker storm should be wolverine instead since they have a long history link together.
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