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Everything posted by Masterhand128

  1. Finally someone made a cool collection of my favorite series! Good, job!
  2. Hey, welcome! I speak in spanish like you, but you should speak english. :)
  3. @Ricepigeon I didn´t know you made an account in MMV. The best part is when you give a feedback and the people are ignoring you and says Nice char +1. Another, thing...Jesus, Chuchoryu saying you created that badly made Buzz and really was made by Adrian!
  4. Oh hey, Happy Birthday for you! :)

  5. New Nintendo rumours but is not really the NX.

    Apparently nintendo has plans for release a new DLC pack for Mario Kart 8.




    Probably the next Nintendo Threehouse will announce this DLC.

    What do you think and what contents are you waiting for the next possible DLC pack?


  6. Here is the possible Tourette guy´s reation when he discover a meme of him.
  7. When I was in Mugenguild, Orochi gill told me in a post about Volzilla: Horible behavior, it isn´t?
  8. Meh, you shouldn´t be worried about this youtuber. Each user do like he is wanting. Sooner or later he will have his own problem...
  9. "Truck driver? I ain't no truck driver. I'm a janitor. That's right, baby, I just bought this truck straight cash. I got cigarettes for me and my family the rest of our lives! I'M RICH, BIATCH!" -A Man in truck from Chapelle´s Show.
  10. @gui0007 Oh, I´m sorry about that! I heard Borewood had a terrible past when he created characters with specials codes against creations by people who gives feedbacks like Ricepigeon and others, very sad!
  11. "Who gives a shit about big foot? Men´s asses." -Danny from Tourettes Guy.
  12. "Madness??" "This is SPARTA!" -Leonidas from 300
  13. "Good" excuse, Volzilla! Let´s remember, rhiggatwat wasn´t insulting to anybody, he is saying the feedback is the best method for fixing the problems for a any chars. The problem is this MMV doesn´t have a freedom of expression for saying the char x has a badly made hitboxes, is a spriteswap, etc... For this reason the majority of the characters from this site are really bad.
  14. Dude, if you see some problem in this lifebar, please be respectful and constructive.
  15. @GarchompMatt, can you make a looped code for this music?
  16. Hey guys, here is the musics I use for my bosses battles: 1.Okuu and Ebi Fry Iku Nagae both by Margatroid. The music: 2. Primeus by Ricepigeon. The music: 3.Flame Holding Dragon by Ninnniku. The music: 4.Suwako´s hat(Aka Pyonta) by Ricepigeon. The music: 5.Yukari Yakumo by Ricepigeon and edited by fhqwhgads7. The music: And here is your turn, What BG music do you use for your own boss battles? ;)
  17. LuisParson hosted other stages for Puella Magi Madoka Stages: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=DB57B215ACB31FEE&id=db57b215acb31fee!664&authkey=!AKIxnbyazOmS9XY Note: Ghostly Orchestra is an important stage for Margatroid´s Oktavia(according her readme).
  18. Hey, @Ryoucchi! Here is two voice patches and a character from Touhou: http://www19.atpages.jp/rshey/mugen/ For download here is a screenshot as a guide:
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