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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. And now there's the sunday with the end of the Marvel Pack
  2. This is not a weekend Fael, stop posting mugen videos outside of it.
  3. A dog, a psycho and a guy that triggered the majority of the mugen goku fanboys again.https://youtu.be/Q6LrBBamS-8 https://youtu.be/gMW6fDQ3Ju4 https://youtu.be/jIMDHAF5SzM
  4. Some late thanksgiving phoeni-I mean, turkey. Fighting an AI Patched Serena and more Axellurd.
  5. A marvelous captain, the sword-knight duo and the marathon of edits of jankiness
  6. Just checked and it's working for me. Yesterday I downloaded a 3D version of that Son Bra character that is probably shit too.
  7. Dies Irae Reference, Thrash Edit and Thrash Portraits Plus Son Bra is "Excellent", Turtle Salad and a Dan
  8. The finale of the Kills Festival plus some magician with White Len's voice
  9. More Kills Festival Matches and a guy that didn't want to bargain.
  10. Two matches from the Kill Festival Challenge and Linne fighting someone using her voice (with an extra Hyde in the end.)
  11. Almost forgot the forum was back. Anyway Pucci and Sayaka makes some noise when it's not weekend yet. (Don't feel like posting the other videos here so check my channel if you're curious.)
  12. Let's see how long this will last until the next breakdown

  13. For how long are we getting this message? http://prntscr.com/kmvi9w

    1. The Auditor
    2. IDGCaptainRussia


      It was a huge ordeal for the Free For All, be glad your getting this message now rather than buggy saturday downtime

  14. Fought some things that got on my nerves. (Namely, Bishamon and Krauser)
  15. Temporarily getting off my lazy period to post some videos again.
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