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Everything posted by uaguilar

  1. I must know pleaaase. I got my 360 pad n my ps3 pad connected n it's awesome, but I can only play with the bottom joystick. How do I enable d-pad availability?! Thank u
  2. So what do I do to make the chars work with the uno tag patch?
  3. O really?! I will check on this when I get home
  4. Hey guys, I badly want the uno tag patch on my Mvc mugen, but when I got it n added it first char to try was ryu n my mugen crashed so I jus said fuck it. But I reaaaalllly want this patch bad. What I'm guessing is that the ryu I had doesn't work with uno patch, so what do I do to make em work? Would somebody please help me with this? I'm trying to make my dream fighting game of coarse. Thank you
  5. I love your stages oldgamer. I been wanting to make stages n no better person to help with tutorials than old gamer
  6. Yes this part... is there any way i could extend the end time for it to let me swing bit more at them after they are KO'ed? thanks
  7. Sup people. I was wondering if u could extend a bit more time after it says K.O. for me to hit my opponents with one more super. (Kinda like how umvc3 is) because sometimes I ll finish em off and it says k.o. but theyll still be floating and aahhh god I just wanna hit em with one more super. Is this possible in any way? Thanks people
  8. i downloaded 2 chars by kamikaze. gambit n sabretooth, n they both cant throw punches or kicks but they can walk around. can this be fixed??
  9. Any of these complete Xs happen to be VS styled?
  10. How many characters can this hold? Does it have bigger select.defs? Thanks
  11. I wanna hear all your funniest, best winning quotes for your characters. I ll put one .. silver samurai - "you've been outsilvered" "the amount of silver you got on is pathetic, which is why you lost" "I heard there is a surfer who rivals all my silveriness" "who the hell are you?!..eh who cares.... SILVER"
  12. What is the best megaman x here in general?? everytime ive downloaded one they been hella lacking in the moves and animation department. could someone please just tell me which ones are the complete character with moves/supers/good animation
  13. This looks fantastic. you have no idea how bad i wanna play it. but i just dont know how to patch my characters.... i downloaded uno tag team patch and it crashed my mugen. so i havent tried it again. I have a full mvc styled mugen 1.0 does this new updated uno tag patch work with almost all mugen characters now?? thanks
  14. whoa what game is that big bad boss from!!?? who cares im getting em!!! haha question, is his difficulty already on "hard" or do i have to change something?? i'd like him to be as hard as he was on the video. thanks
  15. whoa whoa whoa! so your telling me there ARE animated primal rage lifebars out there with exploding hearts and all??!! i must have em
  16. most recent link isn't working... could someone please re upload it, id love to try this character out
  17. Error Message: Error in [statedef 180] Error in Ken_unotag\KenDX.st Error loading chars/Ken\Ken_unotag.def Error while precaching ..and it repeats like 3 times this is for ken dragoon 316 infinite edit same goes for the ryu that is also dragoon 316 infinite edit. what does this error mean what do i do?! help thanks
  18. boooo. we need exploded hearts for it to be true primal rage lifebars
  19. is this where you can tag yo partner in mid match?
  20. Those lifebars are NICEEEEEEE!!!!! whats the name of em, so i can get em myself?
  21. ok man, i cannot figure it out. im not used to messing with these files. anyway you could do it for me real quick?
  22. o ok awesome will look into it n see if i can find it. dunno if this GUY lol is on the Marvel vs Capcom guest fighters page.... from what i remember there wasnt a guy there at all. if you want you can add him to the collection
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